Zoku-Gunsho Ruiju (The Library of Historical Documents, Continued) (続群書類従)

"Zoku-Gunsho Ruiju" is a collection of books. In 1000 volumes. It contains 1185 books. It is compiled by Hokiichi HANAWA.

As the second series following the Gunsho Ruiju (Classified Collection of the Japanese Classics), Zoku-Gunsho Ruiju compiled many books that had not been collected in the Gunsho Ruiju. Like Gunsho Ruiju, it is divided into 25 sections and covers 2103 categories.

Incidentally, the Zoku-Gunsho Ruiju Completion Committee, which had published Zoku-Gunsho Ruiju, virtually went bankrupt due to a bad check in September 2006. The committee did not seek bankruptcy protection and filed for bankruptcy to Tokyo District Court.

The publishing of Zoku-Gunsho Ruijo has been succeeded by Yagi Book Store since June 2007.

[Original Japanese]